Thursday, July 7, 2011

Falling out.

Acknowledge: to admit to be real or true; recognize the existence, truth, or fact of.

Swallow: to accept without question or suspicion.

Welcome: given full right by the cordial consent of others.

These three actions can make a relationship soar I believe. If two people focus on these three things, they are set. Acknowledge that your partner may see things a different way, need different things, feel different, think differently, respond differently, love differently. Swallow these facts without question... accept them, for it's who they are. Lastly, welcome the differences with an open mind, heart, and soul. It is literally impossible to see eye to eye on everything... and what kind of challenge would it be if two people did? Love isn't supposed to be easy. If it were, we wouldn't grow... and don't you want to grow? Challenge each other. True acceptance is what makes a relationship last when the "flame" has gone out as they say... and it's definitely a two way street requiring an equal balance of give and take between both people. Accept them and see them for all the beauty that they are... good and bad. No one is perfect, but two people can be perfect for each other if they truly see each other. With this acknowledging, swallowing, and welcoming will come the give and take and meeting each other halfway. You'll give them what they need, they'll give you what you need. You'll learn more about yourself and learn from them. Nothing spectacular comes easy. It takes work, and it's easier said then done, but it is so worth trying, don't you think?

This is just the way I see the world.


  1. If you've got it and want to keep it, then I'd definitely say it's worth trying! It's sound advice, Sara! You've got to be able to give and take in a relationship!
