Saturday, December 11, 2010

Evie's first time playing in the snow! =] November 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010

You know you're a mother when...

Having the UPS man pound on your door the minute your kid falls asleep makes you want to stab him in the eye.

You’ve used your last diaper and need another one and yell at your significant other because of it (as if they used all the diapers!).

7:30 am is sleeping in.

Getting spit up on only 3 times is a successful day.

Your front closet is overflowing with an assortment of diaper bags instead of shoes.

You spend two hours packing for vacation, realizing once you get to your destination that you forgot all your clothes.

Your daily showers consist of: 30% showering, 20% preventing your child from climbing into the tub fully clothed, 40% trying to keep the shower curtain closed with your foot as your child tries to pry it open, 10% pretending your water is still hot, 0% relaxing.

You’re belting out nursery rhymes and making ridiculous faces and noises in the car (even though people are staring) to prevent your child from falling asleep on the way home... because if they fall asleep they won’t nap, and if they won’t nap, all hell breaks loose.

You get pissed at the neighborhood hooligans for blaring their music. At 8:00pm. On a Saturday.

You’ve helped your child poop when they’re constipated. Please don’t make me go into detail.

Your Christmas wish list consists of a new vacuum, BPA-Free Tupperware, and Disney movies.

Instead of getting pissed at the mom with the crying newborn, you feel sorry for her. Then, instead of feeling sorry for the mom with the crying newborn, you want to go over and show her how its done.

You don’t get dressed in the morning until the very last minute, knowing if you do it any earlier, you will no longer be able to wear that outfit because something will spill on it.

You have no wine glasses, but a cupboard full of sippy cups.

Your Friday nights no longer mean going out with your friends, but cuddling up with your little one making memories.

You know how to do everything around the house without making a single noise.

You have to force yourself to steer clear of the kid’s department or you will accidentally walk out with $200 worth of kids clothes and will have purchased approximately zero things from your shopping list.

You’ve got 10 projects going on at once, 15 of which are left eternally uncompleted… which doesn’t even add up, but somehow is true.

The park is your favorite place to go on a nice day.

You realize you know way too much about vomit.

You’ve memorized every children’s book in your house without knowing it.

80% of your computer’s memory is filled with photos and videos of your kid.

You can smell a poopy diaper from three rooms away… five minutes before they’ve actually done their business.

You use your own spit to clean up your kid’s face and believe this is more effective then any baby wipe on the market.

Your purse blows Mary Poppin’s bag out of the water.

Despite all these things, you love your life and wouldn’t change a thing.

Love this munchkin more than anything! (also, cool sun spot on this photo!)