Thursday, August 12, 2010


As my family and friends know, I've had a HUGE issue with coming to a decision about school and my future. I thought I finally decided a couple months ago when I chose to major in Music Education. BUT... that would mean basically starting over, and I don't want to be in school for another 4 years. Cause no matter how many credits I have I would have to take 8 full semesters of orchestra (among other classes of course). So instead I've decided to be a high school English teacher so I'm not in school as long. Music is my passion, but will stay a hobby and not be a career. And being a high school teacher has always been in the back of my mind =) So now I'm an English Major/Education minor. That's my final decision and I'm sticking to it! Unfortunately I'm getting stuck doing 3 freshman level classes (out of 4) because of the problems I'm having with transferring credits from UNR, and cause every university's core requirements are different. Then when we leave El Paso, I'll get to go through all that again when I transfer to a different university. How neat! lol. So I'm taking a full course load this fall. Classes are: Political Science, British Literature, Geology and Math (yuck!).

I can't wait to use my brain again! I really enjoyed the summer class I took, and I think Evie really enjoyed going to the childcare on campus. I think she gets bored at home. I mean, who wants to be around their mother 24/7? =) She's a social butterfly and does great there. It was rough at first, she would whine when I would drop her off but she got over that. What a big girl she is now! She sleeps great (although she's always slept great), she doesn't use a binky, she takes one good nap a day, and she's learning new words all the time. I wonder how she'll do with napping AT the childcare though. We'll see!

Well... that is all for now. Here's a couple cute pictures =]

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Evie's new favorite thing.

What could be more fun then drinking out of the hose and getting all wet?

Nothing Apparently! Especially when Mommy gets some awesome pics out of it =)