Saturday, August 22, 2009


I honestly don't think my thoughts are really that interesting, so I don't think many people will read this. Writing things down just helps me feel like I'm doing something productive. It helps me organize my brain (and we all know how much Sara Jane likes to be organized!). Also, It allows me to realize things about myself that were previously unknown. I may start writing with a specific purpose, and by the time I finish, I close the computer with insight, optimism, and inspiration. It is a chance for relaxation when the little one is taking a nap. Though don't be surprised if blogs randomly cut off in the middle of a thought... as you can't always finish what you've started when you have a baby to look after =)

So... "Large Shoes for the Moon". Ya like? While living in Monterey we had word magnets and one day while staring into a full fridge with nothing to eat, I arranged these five words. I mean, the moon doesn't wear shoes, but if he did, they would certainly be large, right? I thought it would be a great band name, but since I am not in a band, a blog name seems like a suitable alternative. The name itself inspires me. And the picture to go along with it makes me feel dreamy (as in a state of mind... not like how I would describe Robert Pattinson in a word *wink*). If the moon did wear shoes, what would they look like? I'm picturing some red sneakers with bright white laces. Or maybe a pair of slip-on vans that he designed for himself and ordered off the internet (which by the way you can do here). They probably don't make his size though, poor guy.