Thursday, September 3, 2009

Men vs. Women

My Grampy has been watching the US Open all day long recently, its some tennis competition (can you tell I'm not a huge fan? lol), and I was wondering why the heck women and men aren't competing against each other in sports these days. It never dawned on me before now. It's the 21st century for goodness sake! We very nearly could of had the first female president, yet we haven't mixed both genders in sports? Seems a little odd. It just demonstrates how the world still sees women as inferior to men because they're not as strong or quick (which is so not true!). Anyways, I just think it would be awesome to see men and women be equal in the world of sports =) Perhaps one day we'll see a woman get tackled at a football game.

Speaking of sports, I really wish Quidditch was a real sport. But magic would have to be real in that case... unless someone invents a flying broomstick. Clearly that needs to be pushed up to top priority in the world of technology.