Thursday, April 22, 2010

DIY picture hanger

***Click on picture for larger view***

What I used:
An old canvas
Wood clothespins

Hot glue gun

This project was really easy! I just wrapped the canvas with fabric and tucked it into the back (I thought I would need a staple gun, but good thing I didn't cause I don't have one!). Then I put nails into the wood part on the two sides, wrapped one long piece of twine around them, and hot-glued buttons to the top of the nails so the twine wouldn't slip off. Then hung the pictures that were once on my fridge with the clothespins. Piece of cake!

I think this smaller canvas would look better with mini clothespins (if they exist?), but I have a large canvas that I'm going to do next, and the regular clothespins should work fine with those. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I need ideas and/or tips for making over our hutch and dining set!

I'd like to re-vamp our hutch and dining set, but I'm not sure exactly what to do and need advice!

My ideas for the hutch are to paint it black, replace the hardware with brushed nickel, and do the back splash (? not sure what to call it) a different color. You know, the background... does that make sense? Also, I'd like to open it up by completely removing the upper cabinet doors so the top part is just open shelving. Maybe the background could be done with an awesome wallpaper. Thoughts? Would black be too dark? Ideally I would do white but our walls are white. I could get approval to paint the walls but with how much we move with the military, I'd rather have furniture/decor that goes with white walls. We'll go paint crazy when we settle down in the future =]

And for the table, black seems like the best option right?

Hope you can help! =]

Monday, April 19, 2010

Living green and eating green and figuring it all out

Get comfortable...

Ever since I became a mother my outlook on life has changed drastically. Okay... that is probably the most obvious statement for anyone with a new baby, but it really goes beyond that. Besides all the typical changes in my life (you know, like anything that involves taking care of a baby 24/7!), I have begun to make other changes as well. I want the world to be amazing for my daughter in the future, and I need to do my part to make that happen, while hopefully inspiring others along the road to do the same. I need to be a friend to the Earth to teach my daughter to do the same, because if enough people make a change, there will be change.

It started out with no longer buying bottled water. When you think about it, that's just ridiculous right? It comes out of faucets in our own homes, why would we buy it in yucky plastic? So I purchased some water bottles for on the go (and to be honest, I use them more at home then glasses!), and that's all I use now. I never leave the house without a bottle of water whether it's an afternoon out or just a quick trip to the store. I rarely forget it, but on occasion I do, and have bought a water bottle while out, and have thrown it away when it's empty. Then I feel horrible. A year ago this would not have crossed my mind, and now I actually feel guilt when I do this! But this is a good thing! I am lucky enough to have good tasting tap water, but if I didn't, I would buy a few of those giant water jugs and a dispenser, and I'd go fill them up when I ran out. Easy cheesy. So really, there's no excuse. At first it was difficult to remember,
but it's second nature to me now. Keys, cell phone, water bottle. And on the plus side, since switching to this habit I am drinking way more water then I used to. If you want to start using water bottles, make sure if you buy plastic ones that they are BPA-free. Stainless steel ones are great but are around $15 for one! But if you buy one here and there you'll have plenty. Check out my line up (pictured)... 6 between my husband and me (actually only 1 is his haha!), and 1 for the little one (that she hasn't figured out how to use yet...) is what I've got, and I don't need more. They have a wide variety of stainless steel ones at Whole Foods, and great plastic BPA-free ones at REI. If you don't know why BPA is bad... go to google and look at the loads of articles that come up!

My next step? Re-usable grocery bags. I have many reasons why these are so great. (And again, I feel the sting of guilt when I forget them in the car as I'm getting rung up! Agh!) So, re-usable bags are great because they are larger (most of the time) then normal grocery bags, way more durable, and are easier to carry. Most are made with really long straps which enable you to throw them over over your shoulder (makes unloading groceries into the house much faster cause you can carry way more!). Plus since these bags are bigger/more durable,
you can pile them to the brim and have less bags to carry. I have some cloth ones, which are even more durable, but I prefer plastic ones made from recycled plastic bags (like mine pictured on the left) cause that's a win-win, right? One thing I'll notice though, some baggers won't fill them up even half way sometimes, so I tell them, "Oh you can fill the bag up all the way, I don't mind." That way I don't come across as bossy... I hope. IF I don't remember to bring the bags in to the store with me I will opt for paper bags (since these can just be tossed into the recycle bin). However, places like Target and Walmart don't have that option sadly =( I started the switch to re-usable bags when we lived in Monterey, but built up my stockpile a few months ago and finally have enough for a full cart of groceries. We use to shop at the Commissary there and the baggers would literally double bag everything! REALLY?! I nearly started to hyperventilate! My point is... make the switch, you'll be glad you did. I hang mine on the hallway closet to remember to take them out to the car before shopping. Oh plus, most places give you 5 cents off per bag haha. I could care less about that, it's about being earth-friendly! Still not convinced to make the switch? Read this article. Plastic bags cannot be tossed into your curbside recycling!!! Most recycling plants WILL NOT be able to recycle them! You can call your recycling company to see if they can accept them, but this is rare. Apparently "most" grocery stores have drop bins to put your bags, but I've never seen these displayed (though I've never intentionally looked) so I doubt very many people know about them. And if you are going to go through that effort, why not just pay around $2 for a permanent re-usable bag?

Ok, those were two easy ways to go green. But what about "greening" your body? This is the thing I've been thinking about a lot recently. And I mean a lot. Even more after I read an article found through this amazing blog titled Blogcrumbs. I look at my little girl, who is just a year old, and I want her to have the best start in life and teach her the best habits. I see her body as a tiny machine that I want to take care of just right so she'll live a long and healthy life. For this reason, I stopped drinking soda and caffeine when I got pregnant and still don't (well, very rarely). I'm breast feeding her and don't plan on stopping until she's about 18 months, I always gave her organic baby food, she never has juice, and rarely eats anything with added sugar. This was all easy until she decided no one gets to feed her anymore. Organic baby food in a jar was perfect, but now I have to find healthy finger foods that she can feed herself... not so easy! She eats fruits with every meal and loves them. Veggies are off and on. She likes them from a can, so I buy organic, unsalted ones. Sometimes she'll devour peas, other times she throws them on the ground. She'll eat green beans only from a can at room temperature, not if they're cold from the fridge. She likes avocado and carrots too. I'm going to try making healthy sweet potato fries this week, and I'm sure she'll love those. She'll munch on her "Purely-O's" cereal and loves cut up mozzarella cheese. But what else do I give her? She needs a wide variety of foods that are healthy! Sure I could easily cook some chicken nuggets, but I know those aren't good for her. I've had her try my own chicken when I make it but I think it's too seasoned. What should I season hers with? I just don't feel like I'm giving her enough different things. And yes, I want these things to be quick and easy to make! Meal time is long enough as it is!

Now to worry about my own body. Much more difficult. I eat pretty well but I have a damn sweet tooth! I make a smoothie every morning (unless I'm out of fruit, like right now) with mostly fresh fruit (some frozen to make the drink cold), pure orange juice, carrot juice, and a scoop of super food. Great way to start the day huh? Mmm =) But after reading that article I just got overwhelmed and worried. Changing my eating habits would be all fine and dandy if I knew exactly what to change them to! Yes, more veggies, less sugars, yada yada, I get that. What about what breads to eat? Apparently wheat isn't really that great for you! And microwaving food is actually really bad and produces carcinogens (see here). How am I supposed to heat up leftovers? Not everything is soup that you can just put in a pot and heat over the stove! I guess I need a toaster oven. But won't that burn some things if they've already been cooked?

Basically, I need to start from scratch and revamp my eating habits. Research and research more, make a healthy grocery list, and cut the sweets. I can't know everything all at once so I gotta take it one step at a time and just do what I can to get healthy. It scares me to think about the stuff I've put in my body in 24 years. It's actually quite terrifying. Who knows what health problems I've had that have been caused by what I eat. I've had two benign tumors removed (one from my hand, the other from the opposite wrist), and my gall bladder was removed a couple years ago because of gallstones, could these things have been caused by what I've eaten? And who knows what it's going to cause in the future. I suppose I can't do anything about the past, but I can change the now. And from now on, I am going to eat healthy! And I can raise my daughter with great eating habits so she can be healthy too. Going green really is a life-style, not a few random acts or habits. This isn't going to be easy, but it really has to be done.

Wish me luck! And sorry for the terribly long post. If you've read to the end, thank you, and leave a comment why don't ya so I know it benefited someone ;) It's nearly 1am and I've stayed up way too late completing this! *Please sleep in Evie...*

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Delicious Zucchini Casserole

I got this recipe from my step mother, its SO yummy and really easy to make. Enjoy!

6-7 cups raw, un-peeled, cubed zucchini (about 6 zucchinis medium size)
1 medium onion, chopped coarsely
1 cup shredded carrots
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 cup sour cream (or more to make it creamier)
(2) 6oz boxes of seasoned stuffing mix
1 cube of melted butter

Ready, set, go:
1. Preheat oven to 350
2. Simmer cubed zucchini and onion with a little salt and enough water to cover until zucchini is soft (about 6-8 mins)
3. In a separate large bowl, combine shredded carrots, soup, and sour cream
4. Melt butter and pour over dry stuffing mix and pat stuffing mix into 9x13 pan (reserving about 1/4 of mixture for the topping).
5. Drain zucchini mixture well and mix with carrots/soup/sour cream.
6. Pour mixture over stuffing mix and sprinkle reserved stuffing on top.
7. Bake for 45 mins to 1 hour
8. Let cool, then devour!

Also, for a more hearty dish, you can add some browned sausage! I haven't tried that yet, but it sounds really good.

Satellite Heart: my current favorite song

Its from the Twilight-New Moon soundtrack (which is amazing btw), sung by Anya Marina. She created this song specifically for the movie and what an awesome job she did! I learned it on the guitar a couple days ago, pretty simple to play, but not as easy to sing since it's pretty low. You have to find your belly voice for this one! Its more like you're breathing the words then singing them.

Anyways, hope you enjoy the song! =] Lyrics can be found here.

And yes, I am a major Twilight fan!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

My first attempt at gardening.

A little over a month ago I planted some flowers. This is my first time actually planting my own stuff. My mother taught me the basics when I was little, so that combined with the advice in this book, my flowers are doing quite well! The Pansies have been looking nice and healthy since I planted them (what a lovely shade of purple!), and the Impatiens are finally getting there. Impatiens are supposed to be in the shade only, but there's no where in my back or front yard that only gets shade. So, they get a bit of unfortunate early-morning sun up against the house, but that's the best I can do, sorry flowers!

The tall, light purple flowers (below) are Butterfly Blue Pincushions. They are a full-sun flower, but I accidentally paired them with a trailing plant that's only supposed to get partial sun =/ I guess these are the things you learn as you go! The trailing plant seems to be thriving except for one place where the leaves are looking burned. Whoops.

The White Saxifraga (the tiny white flowers surrounding the tall, skinny pink ones) were beautiful up until about a week ago, and they're no longer in full bloom. I think they may be getting a tad too much sun. Also, I have no idea what flowers the tall skinny pink ones are! Help?

I was getting annoyed with the Cyclamen flowers (the pink and yellow ones in the small pot on the table) because I was having to pick off so many dead ones and none of them would bloom, but they are now in full bloom and really pretty! I think I may have planted too many in that small pot though. In fact, I think I may have over planted in all my pots =/ They're all doing fine as of right now but it's only April. I hope they don't strangle each other and die! What's the rule on how much to plant in one pot? Again... I guess it's something you learn as you go.

Now, I have prepped the soil for my little garden space (about 5'x 4'). But I have no idea what to plant. My sister-in-law said zucchini was really easy to grow, so I might do some of that. Also, my husband is literally addicted to tomatoes, so I really have no choice but to grow those =) but what else should I plant? The problem is that the garden is in the corner of my house and a rock wall fence. It only gets partial sunlight in the morning. I know tomatoes are supposed to get full light, but I'm going to try anyways. We also bought some seeds to grow giant sunflowers, but again... they need full sun. (My mom grows giant sunflowers in Reno every year and they are HUGE and awesome... probably about 10-11 feet tall!) Ideally I would love to tear out some of the "grass" in our yard and build an above ground garden, but being that we're a military family and moving every 2.5 years or so, I don't think it's worth it. Plus, we might get in trouble with housing for tearing up the yard. But on the bright side. It's probably best I don't start off with a full on garden. I can get all my practice in now, and when we settle down sometime in the distant future I will know what I'm doing (hopefully!) and won't have any doubts about taking care of a huge garden. Imagine never having to get your veggies, lettuce, and some herbs at the grocery store! That would be awesome.

Well, any advice is more then welcome (for whoever reads this)! Also, here is a picture of a GIANT bee that scared the hell out of me! It... was... huge. And buzzed so loud you'd think there were ten bees. I guess it's a carpenter bee? It was black as death and scary. That's all I have to say about that.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Some lovely inspiration.

A lovely room by Ikea. I love the shelf display above the headboard. And that bed looks so cozy I want to go dive in and fall asleep!

And check out this stuffed-to-the-brim living room. Found here. The couch? No thanks. Random art covering the entire wall? Yes please!

Now, I've always considered myself a tom boy. I'd much rather put on jeans and a t-shirt and go to a rock show then get all dressed up and go to a ball. I own one single pair of heels that aren't even that fancy, and I've worn them maybe four times. I don't get my nails done because long nails would interfere with my guitar playing. And I have never had a pedicure in my life. But... my favorite color is pink, and there something about a glamorous and girly bedroom that will always make me smile. I can only hope my daughter will want a lovely pink and frilly room one day, because I would never dream of torturing my husband with a bedroom like the one pictured below =)

Right here.

The next two pictures have to do with my love for the idea of a bathtub in a bedroom. Sounds a bit odd, but if done right, could be amazing. Who doesn't love a long, warm, relaxing soak in a bubble filled tub? Picture scented candles, calming music, a low light and charming chandelier overhead, and maybe even a glass of wine. Wouldn't that be more relaxing if done in a cozy and inviting room with a better view then tile and a toilet? Yes. Bathtubs are for bathrooms, and for kids who splash; so lets call these "roomtubs"...for adults who want to take a load off and enjoy a good book. I want a roomtub. Don't you?

Right here.

Right here.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Wordy Thursdy

So, I was supposed to put these two pictures up last night and the post would have been "Wordless Wednesday" (just a picture or two from that day, no words to explain)... because it rhymes. BUT I forgot, so my new title was going to be "Wordless Thursday", which doesn't rhyme but it would have done the job. Then I felt I had to explain it all so this post is no longer wordless, but very wordy indeed. My next choice in title was going to be "Wordy Thursday", which doesn't rhyme either, and that bothers me. Hence the new and improved title of "Wordy Thursdy".

If only I would have posted this last night, you would have been spared from my ramblings and craziness that is my mind.

Enjoy the cuteness.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Here are some cool pictures made even cooler here.
You MUST click on the pictures themselves to get the full effect!
The last one is my favorite.

A street in San Fran:

Taken at Laguna Seca Raceway:

Taken from my car in Texas

At our old duty station in Monterey CA (my hubby)


My vans don't belong in the garbage.

I bought my first pair of vans (the first of many) sometime in the summer of 2006. I wore them all the time. They soon became the most comfortable pair of shoes I've ever had. I still wear them (despite my husband telling me I look homeless...) even though they're torn, bleached, battered, have huge holes, and barely a sole left. I see nothing wrong with them. These shoes have been on adventures! These shoes were with me through every relationship I've had. They've gone hiking, swimming, rock climbing, on motorcycles, camping, fishing, to the beach, and on many road trips. They've been eaten by a puppy, run over, covered in dirt, washed, and covered in dirt again. Hm? What's that you say? Chewed-by-dog look isn't "in"? That can't be right. These shoes hold the memories of my life. They were the only shoes that would fit my feet when I was 9 months pregnant, and they'll be there for the next time too, cause I am never getting rid of these shoes. No sir. These shoes have lived.

This is what they looked like when purchased:

This is what they look like today:

These shoes have been places, and they're not ready to retire.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

You have to try this Mac & Cheese.

I got this recipe from my aunt who got it from someone else... it's basically the most delicious mac & cheese dish I've ever had! So... go buy the ingredients, invite your friends over (cause this recipe serves about 10 people), and make it =] YUM.

8 tbsp unsalted butter, divided
6 slices white bread, crusts removed, torn into 1/4" pieces
5 1/2 cups whole milk
1/2 cup all purpose flour
2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
4 1/2 cups (18oz) grated sharp white cheddar cheese
1 1/4 cups (5oz) grated romano cheese
1 pound elbow macaroni

*** I like to use a little more bread for extra crunchiness on top, thats the best part! ***

Ready, set, go:
1. Preheat oven to 375 and butter a 3-quart (or larger if you have it!) casserole dish, set aside.
2. Place the bread pieces in a medium bowl. In a small saucepan over medium heat, melt 2 tablespoons of butter. Pour butter into bowl with bread and toss. Set aside.
3. In a medium saucepan set over medium heat, heat the milk.
4. Melt remaining 6 tbsp butter in a large pot over medium heat. When butter begins to bubble, add flour and cook while stirring for about one minute.
5. While whisking, slowly pour in hot milk. Continue cooking, whisking constantly, until the mixture bubbles and becomes thick.
6. Remove pan from heat. Stir in salt, nutmeg, black pepper, cayenne pepper, 3 cups of the cheddar cheese, and 1 cup of the romano cheese (the rest of the cheese is used later). Set cheese sauce aside.
7. Boil water and cook your elbow macaroni 2 to 3 minutes LESS than manufacturer's directions, until the outside is cooked and the inside is underdone. Then transfer macaroni to a colander, rinse under cold running water, and drain well.
8. Stir macaroni into the reserved cheese sauce and pour entire mixture into prepared casserole dish. Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top, and the buttered bread crumbs on top of the cheese.
9. Bake until browned on top, about 35 minutes. Allow 5-10 minutes to cool off, then enjoy!!!